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Alphonse Elrick

600 Posts
Innovation quality learning: metodologías innovadoras para un aprendizaje activo y participativo

Innovation quality learning: metodologías innovadoras para un aprendizaje activo y participativo

La Transformación Digital del Aprendizaje: Innovación, Calidad y Tecnología en la Educación   En la era digital en la que nos encontramos inmersos, la educación experimenta una transformación continua. Los avances tecnológicos y las mejoras en las comunicaciones han desplegado un amplio abanico de oportunidades para la innovación educativa, brindando la posibilidad de un aprendizaje personalizado y de calidad. En este artículo, examinaremos de qué manera la tecnología educativa, las metodologías innovadoras y la enseñanza personalizada están revolucionando el proceso de adquisición de conocimientos y desarrollo de habilidades por parte de los estudiantes.   La innovación educativa ha cobrado un…
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Why white home uniforms — once an NBA mainstay — have disappeared

Why white home uniforms — once an NBA mainstay — have disappeared

Every August, after the NBA releases its schedule for the upcoming season, Michael McCullough, the Miami Heat’s chief marketing officer, thinks about the next 82 games. He not only considers ticket sales and promotions but also sets a meeting with the team’s equipment manager and focuses on an essential part of his job: uniforms.Laying out the right jerseys used to be an easy exercise across the NBA. There were just two choices. When Rob Pimental, the Heat’s equipment manager and travel coordinator, began his career with the Sacramento Kings in the 1980s, it was just white and blue: white jerseys…
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War Has Already Hurt the Economies of Israel’s Nearest Neighbors

War Has Already Hurt the Economies of Israel’s Nearest Neighbors

In the Red Sea, attacks by Iranian-backed Houthi militants on commercial ships continue to disrupt a crucial trade route and raise shipping costs. The threat of escalation there and around flash points in Lebanon, Iraq, Syria, Yemen and now Iran and Pakistan ratchets up every day.Despite the staggering death toll and wrenching misery of the violence in the Middle East, the broader economic impact so far has been mostly contained. Oil production and prices, a critical driver of worldwide economic activity and inflation, have returned to pre-crisis levels. International tourists are still flying into other countries in the Middle East…
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How Worcester Polytechnic Institute Weathered a Spate of Suicides

How Worcester Polytechnic Institute Weathered a Spate of Suicides

“Were you burned out,” I asked.Her face was flat. “I still am,” she said. “Yeah. Yes, and I still am.” Worcester is famous for the snow dumps it receives in the winter. It has something to do with where the city is in relation to the Appalachian Mountains. The clouds bear down when the temperature drops, and then the snow is relentless and the weather is brutal. All winter, it’s brutal, brutal, brutal, and then somehow, slowly, it’s not anymore. That’s kind of how the end of W.P.I.’s crisis arrived. No one I spoke to could quite explain how they…
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Leave the Poor Princess Alone

Leave the Poor Princess Alone

The gift and the book itself are fictional. The 2021 film, directed by Pablo Larraín, is too, proceeding from the idea that where there’s a martyr there must be a monster. Elizabeth is a freeze-dried witch, Charles a snarling prig. Perhaps to avoid accusations of defamation, the filmmakers identify their story, in a prefatory caption, as “a fable from a true tragedy.”A fable and a tragedy I grant you: The famous outline of Diana’s story, if not its unknowable guts, is Grimm indeed.But the word “true” doesn’t belong anywhere near “Spencer.” No reputable history has suggested, for instance, that the…
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Microsoft Executives’ Emails Hacked by Group Tied to Russian Intelligence

Microsoft Executives’ Emails Hacked by Group Tied to Russian Intelligence

An elite hacking group sponsored by Russian intelligence gained access to the emails of some of Microsoft’s senior executives beginning in late November, the company disclosed in a blog post and regulatory filing on Friday.Microsoft said it had discovered the intrusion a week ago and was still investigating. The hackers appeared to focus on combing through Microsoft’s corporate email accounts to look for information related to the hacking group, which Microsoft’s researchers called Midnight Blizzard.The hackers looked through emails from Microsoft’s senior leadership team as well as employees in cybersecurity, legal and other groups, and took some emails and attachments,…
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Victor Wembanyama at the halfway point: The good, the bad and the unbelievable

Victor Wembanyama at the halfway point: The good, the bad and the unbelievable

It’s only been half a season. He’s only played 35 games. Yet, San Antonio Spurs phenom Victor Wembanyama has already shown himself to be one of the most versatile players in NBA annals. Here’s the scary part: He’s still improving by leaps and bounds.The player once described by LeBron James as not a unicorn, but “more like an alien,” came into this season as one of the most highly anticipated rookies in NBA history. Considered by most to be the best prospect to enter the league since James in 2004, Wembanyama was the top pick in the 2023 NBA Draft…
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Los Mejores Diarios Digitales de Panamá

Los Mejores Diarios Digitales de Panamá

En el mundo digital actual, el acceso a información confiable y actualizada es fundamental. Los diarios digitales se han convertido en una fuente primordial de noticias, reportajes y análisis en Panamá. En este artículo, presentaremos una selección de los mejores diarios digitales de Panamá, brindando una reseña corta de cada uno de ellos. ¡Prepárate para mantenerte informado con estas fuentes confiables de noticias en línea! 1. Panamá Crece Panamá Crece es un diario digital que se enfoca en noticias relacionadas con el desarrollo económico, social y cultural de Panamá. Con un enfoque en el crecimiento y progreso del país, este…
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Trump Campaign Bars an NBC Reporter From a New Hampshire Event

Trump Campaign Bars an NBC Reporter From a New Hampshire Event

Donald J. Trump, who popularized the term “fake news” and as president declared the news media “the enemy of the people,” is again clashing with journalists over press access, this time to his 2024 campaign events.An NBC News correspondent said on Sunday that aides to Mr. Trump stopped him from covering an event in New Hampshire, where the former president was expected to make his first in-person remarks after Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida dropped out of the race.Vaughn Hillyard, a longtime NBC News correspondent who regularly covers Mr. Trump, had planned to attend as a pool reporter representing five…
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Innovation quality learning: Metodologías innovadoras el camino hacia un aprendizaje más activo y significativo

Innovation quality learning: Metodologías innovadoras el camino hacia un aprendizaje más activo y significativo

La Transformación Digital del Aprendizaje: Innovación, Calidad y Tecnología en la Educación   En la era digital en la que vivimos, la educación se encuentra en constante evolución. Las nuevas tecnologías y los avances en la comunicación han abierto un abanico de posibilidades para la innovación educativa, permitiendo un aprendizaje de calidad y personalizado. En este artículo, exploramos cómo la tecnología educativa, las metodologías innovadoras y la enseñanza personalizada están revolucionando la forma en que los estudiantes adquieren conocimientos y desarrollan habilidades.   La importancia de la innovación educativa en la mejora del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje es innegable. Esta se…
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